Monday, January 10, 2011

Unfamiliar Territory

We're definitely outsiders here. It's definitely going to take some getting used to, but slowly but surely we'll get the hang of it. I find it quite entertaining that when we go somewhere in town and if someone doesn't know what a some German words on signs and such are they ask me. Because honestly I know the most of everyone from WSU, but that's really like the bare minimum, but I'm slowly getting better.

One thing that is strange though is the classes. The school's official language is English and all the classes are taught in English, so we are technically the only native speakers at the school.

A handful of us only had one class today, Convention and Event Management, and our professor is a man that was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. He speaks perfect English, with the essence of a New Yorker, fast paced and with an East Coast type of twang. But he also speaks like 8 other languages including German and French. When he started going over the syllabus and what will take place during the course it seemed as though he directed the information more towards the WSU students because we were the only ones who knew exactly what he was saying. Also, it seems as though we know more about the hotel industry than the other students. He asked some pretty common sense questions like, "what is room blocking?" And only Maddie, Tyler, and I knew. It's just odd to me that these other students are in their third year and they don't know simple hospitality terms. I learned that my freshmen year!

Today was not the best day for me. Before we went to the store to get more groceries and some office supplies, I needed to check my bank account to see how much money I had to spend. While looking I found two identical charges to BBG Luxembourg. LUXEMBOURG?! When was I ever in Luxembourg. So I did some digging around and found out that it's this rip off of a company that plants phone booths in airports and hotels for people like me who urgently need to use a pay phone and can't use their cellphone internationally. I was in such a rush that I didn't check to see how much it cost, but it wouldn't have matter because apparently they don't post it. I had TWO $29.50 charges! TWO!! Why two? Because the first time I forgot to press 1 before I entered my home phone number, so that technically counted as one call. Not cool, not cool at all. So I'm out about $60 now from that STUPID phone. Lesson 3: NEVER USE A PAY PHONE IN AN AIRPORT! AND ALWAYS CHECK THE RATES!

Oh and today Maddie and I bought our plane tickets to London for the end of this month when her parents head there. $100 TOTAL! Hooray for EasyJet!


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