Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Small Change of Plans

Pretty much everyone should know by now what is happening in Egypt. And because of what is happening, we won't be able to go on our schedule "spring break" to Cairo anymore. Which makes me sad because I really feel like that is the only opportunity I would have had to get to go there. It just isn't a place that I see myself one day saying, "oh how about for our next vacation we go to Egypt?" It sucks, and now we have no idea where we're going to go, or if we're even going to go at all. With that being said though, it is extremely sad and unfortunate what is going on their and my prayers go out to all the civilians there that are having to go through this.

Other plans that have changed are our trip to Rome, which we are no longer going to be taking. Maddie and Tyler have both already been there, and Colby wasn't too keen on going, and obviously I don't want to go by myself. So Rome is cancelled. At first I was a little upset, but now I'm okay with it. I know that it is a place that Josh really wants to travel to, so it'll be nice to have a place that I haven't been to before and we can both experience it at the same time. It pays to find the positive in everything.

So instead of going to Rome, Maddie and I are going to Disneyland Paris that weekend! Yay!! What a good trade off :) I'm SO excited. Only two more Disney Parks to go to now (Hong Kong and Tokyo)! It'll be so fun to experience Disney in a different country and culture. I know there are going to be a lot of similarities, but I'm still so excited for the experience.

Everyone is going up to Interlaken this weekend, which is a town in Switzerland only about an hour away from Brig. But I opted to not go, for a couple of reasons:

A) We're going to be traveling like crazy after this weekend and want to get ahead on classes and sleep.
B) I'm not to keen on partying it up every night and my friends that are going are, which is totally cool, it's just not my thing.
C) I'm trying not to spend a ton of money on things that aren't top priority to me.

So I'll just have a nice little quiet weekend in reading, studying, watching movies, going to the gym, etc. I wanted to go boarding but the mountains are getting no good snow, so the conditions are not good for boarding. Very unfortunate indeed.

FUN NEWS! Starting tomorrow night there are going to be salsa dancing lessons taught down at Chaos every Thursday night! I'm so excited! I know the basics to salsa but have always wanted to learn more! I really miss my Thursday nights dancing at CJ's, and even though this won't be swing dancing, it'll still be nice to be dancing again!


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